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Climate Change, Events

Event Synopsis: National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy Public Workshop

National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy Public Workshop
February 14, 2012

“There is no single entity or level of government that can safeguard wildlife and society against the effects of climate change.”

Workshop Team Leaders:
Gerald Barnhart, Co-chair of Strategy Management Team, Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
Mark Shaffer, Co-chair of Strategy Management Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Devon Ryan, Strategy Management Team Member, Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
Doug Parsons, Co-chair of Technical Team, FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

The Climate Strategy is a call to action for the United States and the U.S. territories, to inspire and motivate everyone to action.  The Strategy will sustain biodiversity and sustain cultural economical and environmental benefits, and is the first such strategy to attempt to do so on a national level.

Our world’s climate is changing now, and we need immediate action to mitigate damages.  Some examples of current climate changes are: rising sea levels, loss of sea and land ice, the air is 2 degrees warmer, increase of extreme events worldwide.  There is a definite and measurable impact on people and species worldwide.

The strategy was requested by Congress, in January 2011, and the final release will be June 2012.  The strategy is Executive Order 13514.  The Strategy’s desired audiences are government agencies,  non-government agencies and non-profits, private landowners, and conservation groups.  The NFWPCA will revise and reassess the climate strategy every 4 years; usually 1 year after the national climate assessment is finished.

The NFWPCA Strategy has held 5 regional workshops, various tribal consultation sessions, and 2 public webinars to ask for public input on the strategy.  Feb. 22 at 1 PM is last webinar and workshop available.   Written comments can be submitted to website until March 5.

Strategy Goals:

Goal 1. Conserve and Connect Habitat
Goal 2. Manage Species & Habitats
Goal 3. Enhance Management Capacity
Goal 4. Support Adaptive Management
Goal 5. Increase Knowledge & Information
Goal 6. Increase Awareness & Motivate Action
Goal 7. Reduce Non-Climate Stressors
Timeline: Implementation from now through the next 5 years: 2012 – 2017

Workshop Attendees Ideas to improve the Strategy:

  • Name methods and metrics – specify the outreach plan to connect people.
  • Include fishermen and hunters in the strategy, they are big conservationists.
  • More links/connection among the goals.
  • Inventory of conservation efforts will be important, need public input and involvement.
  • Focus on cumulative impact and synergy between other areas including invasive species.
  • Make sure that the strategies are accessible to the general public and the educational fields.
  • Interactive List/map of which organizations are doing what?
  • Acknowledge the challenge of climate denial.
  • List what has been implemented in the past?
  • Refer to current strategies and accomplishments.
  • List availability of existing tools for implementation of goals.

Barriers for implementation identified by attendees:

  • Climate Change deniers/non-supporters
  • Lack of funding
  • Inertia
  • Tough Political climate

“Climate change is a controversial issue; there is much work to be done in order to increase awareness and knowledge.”

Information about the Strategy:

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Impacts of Climate Change on Fish, Wildlife and Plants
Chapter 3: Climate Adaptation Strategies and Actions
Chapter 4: Integration and Implementation
Appendixes A – E: Supporting Materials:
Ecosystem Specific Background Papers
Related Reports and Materials
Glossary, Acronyms, and Scientific Names
Team Members & Acknowledgements

Strategy Website:


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