
We believe that having as much information as possible at your disposal can be a strong tool in living an eco-friendly life.  If you have more links that you would like to see on these pages, email us!

Alternative Transportation

A big part of redefining how we live is redefining transportation. Here are some resources for finding out more about alternative transportion in the DC metro area.


The way we live has a huge impact on our environment.  Lifestyle choices are personal and political.  Here are some guides to talk you through redefining green in your life.

Environmental News

Keeping up with the news is key to becoming a well-versed and well-spoken advocate for redefining what is eco.


Helpful places to help manage your 4 “R”s.



One thought on “Resources

  1. Trying to locate a place in the St.Paul, Minneapolis, MN area that would take trophies for recycling them. Can you help. Thanks

    Posted by Gail Nadon | June 27, 2013, 12:42 pm

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